Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Organizational Structure and Strategic Design Lens Essay

Dynacorp: Case Analysis MGT 636-52 February 3, 2012 Dynacorp: Case Analysis Introduction Dynacorp, officially The Dyna Corporation, is a major global information systems and communications company. It was originated as an office equipment company and moved in the 1960s and 1970s into high-technology applications. In the 1980s the company became an industry leader by being the first to provide innovative and high quality products. The demand for products was so high that customers were willing to wait for months just to have them delivered. Growth and earnings slowed in the 1990s as the company’s costs increased, value-added services and solutions were not offered, new products were slow to market, and the products were not†¦show more content†¦Analysis of Alternatives Strategic Design Lens As Dynacorp outgrew its functional structure it began to experience common disadvantages of such organizational types. These disadvantages include unresponsiveness to changes in the market and to customers. Restructuring to Front/Back revealed a structural disadvantage that is identical to the functional structure: poor integration between market needs and technology development. An additional disadvantage incurred due to the restructure was inadequate integration and synergy between the front and back ends. Alternative structures such as grouping by output/product or grouping by market are not options as they would result in â€Å"duplication of activities and resources, the erosion of deep technical expertise, missed opportunities for synergies and learning† (Ancona, Kochan, Scully, Van Maanen, amp; Westney, 2009, p. M2-19). The matrix structure provided a potential positive aspect in that it would provide a needed cross-functional linking mechanism by mixing the functional structure with grouping by output/product, but the complexity, cost, dual systems, and dual roles resulting from the matrix structure historically resulted in either the functional or the output/product system becoming more powerful than the other. Political Lens The political system within Dynacorp appears to be one with a history of operating in separate silos. The oldShow MoreRelatedCase Study Dydynacorp Essay669 Words   |  3 Pagesan alternative design? what would be your second choice? 2) Which of the problems of the current design would your chosen design address? what problems (if any) would it not address? Are there any new problems to which it might lead? 3) What linking and alignment mechanisms would you propose to make the â€Å"grouping† of your first choice design more effective? 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