Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment Essay

Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment - Essay Example The following terms are directly applicable to the health care system today and in fact play an influential role in maintaining a proper medical environment because they are used to describe various needs of medical professionals, societal issues, and also lean towards what is needed with regard to costs and supplies in the medical environment. For instance, when we think of economics we normally concentrate on business or issues such as home design, and other social areas that are separate from the health environment.   However, economics actually is applied to the medical world by the social interactions that are involved.   For example, economics becomes a part of the nursing environment in particular when they are trying to increase disease awareness in the community.   By focusing on a social aspect of healthcare such as what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle then the medical intent becomes one of an economic means that affects the whole of a society.   This is wh at economics of healthcare can mean but it isn’t the only area that can be affected by the term.   Cost of healthcare can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care.   So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically, has a strong focus in the area of needed resources.   Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different.  ... Cost of health care can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care. So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically has a strong focus in the area of needed resources. Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different. When a person hears the term "macroeconomics" crop up in discussions concerning areas of healthcare the assumption about it is initially different than what it actually is implied to mean. Macroeconomics comes into play when medical professionals are trying to work on plans to decrease problematic areas in health care and make areas become more efficient to the generalized public. It in fact is a term that is often communicated when the cost of healthcare is being discussed as well as when an immediate need for an increased efficiency of care becomes a necessity within certain heal th care sectors. Microeconomics is even more similar to macroeconomics than the regular terminology of economics itself is though they all interlace with one another. Although microeconomics within itself will not be of assistance to doctors in reaching specific diagnosis's, the terminology does play a crucial role when trying to acquire a more fluid understanding of this principle as well as ones relative to it. This is due to the fact that a better understanding of various economic principles can help medical professionals search for more logical methods to improve quality health care in a timely and cost efficient manner to the public. It can also help to find ways of managing resources that are needed more comprehensively. So it is easily

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychology of Human and Criminal Behaviour

Psychology of Human and Criminal Behaviour Sandy Hook Elementary School had 456 children enrolled into Kindergarten through to fourth grade. Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 60 miles outside New York City. In the town crime was rare with just 28,000 residents. Just one homicide had happened in the town in the ten years prior to the school shootings. 20 year old Adam Lanza was carrying a stash of hundreds of rounds of ammo. When he heard police approaching the classroom where he gunned down helpless children he shot himself in the head. 20 children aged 6 or 7 and 6 adults were shot on the day with a high power rifle. The Gunman, Adam was said to be bright but awkward student with no close friends. In high school he was involved with a technology group, where the club leader said he had some disabilities and seemed not to feel pain like the other members. He required special supervision when using tools for things like soldering and occasionally had episodes in which he seemed to withdraw completely f rom his surroundings. Lanza had never been involved with or had a criminal history before. Psychological Theories focus on how characteristics of the individual lead to criminal behaviour. Sigmund Freud who fathered psychoanalytic theory is discussed in some detailed because many key concepts in this theory are utilized by current sociological and psychological theories of criminal offending. Freud believed that one can understand human behaviour best by examining early childhood experiences. These experiences, traumatic or not can intensely affect behaviour without the individual being consciously aware of their impact. Additionally, all humans have criminal trends. Theses tendencies are restrained, however, through the process of socialisation. A child that is unsuitably socialised could then develop a personality disturbance that causes him or her to direct antisocial desires either inwards or outward. Those who direct them inward become neurotic while those that direct them outwards become criminal. An application could be where is a mother is forced to work during her childs younger years the emotional bond could be broken, leading to stunted social development, which could then lead to crime. It is the psychoanalytic belief that we are all narcissists at an early stage of our lives. As infants and toddlers we all feel that we are the centre of the universe, the most important, omnipotent and wise beings. At that phase of our development, our parents are perceived by us to be mythical figures, immortal and awesomely powerful, there solely to cater to our needs, to protect and nourish us. A second major theory of criminal behaviour is Social Learning Theory is based on the principles of which hypothesizes that a persons behaviour is learned and maintained by its concerns or rewards. Individuals then learn deviant and criminal behaviour but observing other people and witnessing the rewards or consequences that their behaviour receives. According to this theory, if this is how different behaviour is established, then taking away the reward value of the behaviour can eliminate deviant behaviour. Social learning theory stemmed out of work by N.E. Miller and J. Dollard in 1941. Their plan suggests that if humans were inspired to study a particular behaviour that particular behaviour would be learned through clear observations. By copying these observed actions the individual observer would set that learned action and would be rewarded with positive reinforcement. The plan of social learning was expanded upon and theorized by Albert Bandura from 1962 to the present. The adv antages of this theory are it deals with the learning of complex forms of behaviour holistically rather than as a process of slow condition and furthermore stresses the processes in the acquisition of behaviour. On the other hand it has a weak ability to explain under circumstances criminal behaviour will or will not be learnt mean that it has limited explanatory power. For example, an individual who observes a friend shoplifting an item and not getting caught sees that the friend is not being punished for their actions and they are rewarded by getting to keep the item he or she stole. That individual might be more likely to shoplift, then, if they believe he or she will be rewarded with the same outcome. Although it may be suggested by some within the social order that social learning theory can be used as a tool to blame television, movies or video games on the violent acts that are committed by youth, those applying the theory fail to see the complete cycle of events that lead to school shootings. Furthermore, it must be understood that this cycle of events that are discussed in social learning theory occur over an extended period of time, building to the moment of action. Therefore, social learning theory has the ability of not only identifying children that have been negatively impacted by their environment, but also using the information known regarding what affects children negatively to change their lives before violence occurs. Some say a casual aspect of crime could be Genes, and genetic factor that can influence people to commit crime. In the case of murder if the existence of a violent gene can be proved, and there are members of society who if provoked will be unable to control their successive actions, even if those actions amount to murder, then genetics absolutely must be considered in the law courts. The existence of such a gene appears to suggest that there exist people who inherently bad. However if we are allow people justifying circumstances due to their genetic makeup, then we are creating yet another excuse. There may be genes that make us more vulnerable to such traits, but we are ultimately responsible for our own actions. Also the association between unemployment and crime is still unsettled combined crime rates and collective unemployment rate seen weakly related. In other words, crime rates sometimes rise during periods of economic wealth and fall during periods of economic decline. Unemp loyment threatens households, and unstable families are the ones most likely to produce children who put a premium on violence and aggression as a means of dealing with limited opportunity. This lack of opportunity perpetuates higher crime rates, especially when large groups or partners of people of the same age compete for relatively limited resources. The shooter Adam even though unemployment didnt have a major influence still had no independent job or schooling. History has shown that there is a link between poverty and crime; however that nature of the relationship can be difficult to define. In addition to higher crime rates, higher unemployment and lower wages, higher poverty neighbourhoods have weaker access to health care and education, increased stress levels and rates of mental illness. Many of these factors also appear to contribute to a higher crime rate. One of the reasons people find themselves in poverty is how little education they have which then leads them to an inability to secure a decent paying job. It has also been said that people with higher incomes are less likely to commit a crime due to the economic cost of going to prison. For example someone earning  £50,000 a year will suffer more loss by going to prison than an individual who has little to no income. The study done on Inequality and Violent Crime published by journal of law and economics in 2002 found a great correlation between inequality and crime. This shows that to be especially strong at times of poor economic growth. If jobs are available and the economic situation of individual is improving, even if they are still poor, there does not appear to be as much crime as there would be in a situation where the economy is in decline, jobs are being lost and the economic situation of the poor worsening. Criminal behaviour in youths is often the result of on-going physical and emotional changes that occur in the course of gaining independence from parents and developing an identity within the peer group. People are just as likely to commit violent behaviour because of verbal coercion from friends as they are due to their own private desire to gain acceptance from within a peer group. In higher crime neighbourhoods the chances of a child escaping the peer pressure that leads to crime and violence is a rarity. The main reason people will commit crime despite knowing that it is wrong is due in part to distortions often overvalue the reward aspec t of peer acceptance. Many people have long debates whether poverty itself is a cause of crime or whether poverty and crime are both caused by other factors such as low education, bad work habits, substance abuse, family breakdowns and fatherlessness and other social pathologies. Even though the struggle to answer why these things happen fairly. Early reports do indicate that Lanzas mental health deteriorated rapidly following the departure of his father which may have then put this mother into a hard position. In conclusion the impact of this crime had a major impact to the victims and to society. The major debate that has been set off because of the Newtown shootings is gun laws in America. The percentage of Americans favouring though gun regulations rose significantly. A poll found that 50% of those surveyed after the shootings agreed that gun ownership should have stronger regulation. The massacre has led to President Barack Obama and come congressional leaders to reconsider what has been a largely hands off approach to gun control in recent years and sometime much change to prevent such tragedies happening again. The victims and their families would want to enforce stricter rules and safety procedure; each classroom teachers should have emergency plans. Appendix On Dec. 14, 2012, a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children between the ages of 6 and 7, at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., about 65 miles northeast of New York City. The gunman, Adam Lanza, 20, killed himself inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The day after the shootings, officials said that Mr. Lanza forced his way into the school, apparently defeating an intercom system that was meant to keep people out. The killing spree had begun earlier at the house where Mr. Lanza had lived with his mother, Nancy Lanza, who was a gun enthusiast. There, he shot her in the face, making her his first victim. One of her guns was apparently used to take her life, authorities said. Then, leaving her dead after taking three guns that belonged to her, he climbed into her car for the short drive to the school. Two of the guns were semiautomatic pistols; the other was a semiautomatic rifle. Once Mr. Lanza had forced his way in, wearing combat gear, the massacre unfolded with chillin g speed, as he opened fire in one classroom and then another. This Massacre is the second deadliest school shooting in US history and one of the deadliest mass shootings around the world. A gunman a Virginia Tech University killed 33, including himself in 2007. Only Virginia tech and the mass killings of 77 in Norway last year had greater death tolls across the world over the past 20 years.

Friday, October 25, 2019

American Conservatism Essay -- Politics United States History

American Conservatism Beginning with Nixon and continuing with Reagan after the radical changes of American culture in the sixties and seventies, Americans would begin to shift towards more conservative ideas unsure of the rapid radical change. In the 1994 mid term elections, the American people would elect a congress of mostly conservatives for the first time in nearly 50 years. At the core of this success would be the Contract with America. A set of promises and goals devised by conservative congressional representative Newt Gingrich. In 2000 the Republicans (modern conservative party) would retain the Congress and capture the White House. Conservatism has been a leading political ideology since the inception of the United States to recent Presidential and Congressional elections. Over the last 230 years, conservative ideas in America would evolve to become a distinct brand of conservatism. The first conservative party in the newly formed United States of America was the Federalist. The Federalist were made up of several of the founding fathers including John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. John Adams a "Massachusetts lawyer spent the greater part of his life declaring, with perfect indifference to popularity, that freedom can be achieved and retained by sober men who take humanity as it is, not as humanity should be" is often cited as the founder of conservatism in an America (Kirk 71). They favored a strong central government that would protect the rights of property owners. They also favored little radical change after the Revolutionary War and retained a sense of social class apparent in the British Government. These parties tended to be supported by the businessmen of the time and those residing in smaller states. ... ...ervative tenets. This is a draw back of the two party system in which compromise must be made in order to form a viable political party. In that case, one may say the Republicans have been successful, yet they have only been so at the cost of their conservative ideology. Although it is also viable to say that since the Republican Party is the only major outlet for conservatism, conservatism has been relatively successful. The Republican Party will continue to evolve but will likely be the major source of conservatism in America for years to come. Hence as the Republican Party evolves American Conservatism will evolve. Works Cited Hauss, Charles. Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2003. Kirk, Russell. The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot. Washington, D.C: Regnery Publishing Inc, 2001.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Common Accidents Among Children

Common Accidents Among Children A person would think the safest place on earth is a family’s home. Most accidents occur in and around the home. Most of the accidents that occur could have been prevented if a few precautions have been taken. Safety measures are often overlooked when a people are in a rush however protecting loved-ones from a senseless tragedy is worth the time. Most accidents that occur with infants are the use of mobile walkers. In 1997, mobile walkers need to be made wider than 36 inches, the size of a standard door. Accidents occur when a child in a walker falls down the stairs. The accidents can happen either inside a house, outside on the ground, or when on a deck or raised surface. Although it is the law that children are to ride in car seats when under the age of six or 60 pounds not everyone follows the law. Children are injured in motor vehicle accidents when the children are not placed in the car seats, the car seats are installed improperly, or the child is not wearing a seat belt. Many times when children are injured from not being in a car seat in an accident, there is an empty car seat in the back seat of the car. Burns are very common accidents with children. Parents should make sure their thermostat on the water heater is set below 120 degrees. Burns occur from scalding hot water in the bath tub. Many children suffer burns when adult’s accidentally spills hot liquids such as coffee or tea on a child. Children can also receive burns when they grab the handles of pots cooking on the stove. Parents should always make sure they all pot handles are turned toward the back of the stove so small children cannot pull them down on top of them. Another common way children receive burns are when the children pull the cords of curling irons or irons. Children riding on bikes with their parents are often injured. Children’s feet are caught in the spokes of the bicycle. Parents should always ride in seat. Parents and children should always make sure to wear their helmets. Poisoning is another accident that can be preventable. Cleaning products, paint thinners, pesticides, and medicines need to be locked up and out of the reach of children. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco should also be kept out of reach of children, if ingested it can be harmful to children. Children can also ingest plants that are poisonous. It is a good idea for parents to keep the phone number to poison control by the telephone in case of accidental ingestion. It is also a good idea to keep a bottle of Ipecac syrup in a medicine cabinet at all times. Parents should never induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by poison control. One of the most common causes of injury or death to young children is drowning. More males are injured than females, 3:1. A common misconception is that it takes a great deal of water for a child to drown. However, a child can drown in a few inches of water. Parents should Eradicate any standing water around the home. It sounds a little silly but even installing locks on the toilet bowl lids could prevent drowning. Children drown when left unattended in the bathtub. Parents should never leave their child unattended for any length of time when filling a bathtub full of water (Neifert, M. ,2003). Swimming pools should have gates with locks and have removable ladders. Children should never be allowed to swim by themselves. To maximize the security of children around the swimming pool, some parents have installed a water alarm. The alarm will sound when something enters the water. Electrocution is another common accident. Parents should put safety plugs in all outlets. This helps so that children cannot stick their fingers or metal objects into the outlets. Electrical cords should be hidden or out of the reach of the children. Children can pull at them or chew on them. Radios, curling irons and hair dryers should always be unplugged and kept away from the bathtub. Choking is another injury which occurs to children. Children especially those who have not started to walk yet pick up small objects off the floor and put them in their mouths. Toys that have small removable parts should not be given to children. Another toy children love that should be avoided is balloons. When balloons pop, the child can put a piece into his or her mouth. Once the balloon is swallowed it is very difficult to eject the balloon out of the child’s throat. Parents should always supervise their children when they are eating. Parents should avoid giving children hard candy, grapes, hot dogs, and peanuts. Children have also been known to choke accidentally themselves on the cord to the mini-blinds. Parents should not let their children play with long strings, ribbons, or ropes. Plastic bags should be thrown away or kept out of the reach of children to prevent suffocation. Keeping children safe is a difficult job. Parents and caregivers can make it easier by taking a few helpful precautions. If a house has a flight of stairs, parents need to put safety gates at the top and bottom to help prevent children from falling (LeBlanc, 2007). Keep the stairs free from toys or clutter to prevent falls. Loose carpeting should be tacked down and area rugs should have non-slip mats on the underside. The best way to prevent tragic accidents is to be aware about home safety. Supervision is the key with children. Children are quick and accidents can occur in a few seconds. References LeBlanc, J. (2007). Making Our Homes Safe For Children. Pediatrics for Parents, 23(9), 12. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database Neifert, M. (2003). Preventing common childhood injuries. Baby Talk, 68(8), 19. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier database.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Field Trip to Dell, Inc. Website

This is one business in the United States where IT is the center of commerce, and people are in constant interaction with technology.Background & PurposeThe writer has made a field trip to Dell, Inc.’s business website early at around 6 am on the 7th day of August 2007.   I chose this site because Dell, Inc. has basically been one of my favorite brands when it comes to computer hardware products like personal computers, servers, software, data storage devices, and personal digital assistants.   Dell manufactures even my PC, so instead of going to Round Rock, Texas where its headquarters are presently located, I used IT and the media to connect to the company and make a ‘virtual’ field trip.My purpose here is to evaluate five things: first, the purpose of the website; second, the assumed user profile; third, the psychological and social human habits that are reflected in their website design; fourth, the advanced technology or technologies that they use; fifth, the way media visitors interact with technology; sixth and last, whether the technology affects cultural and social interactions.   What I should be careful to observe are the physical and human environments that are good precursors of interpersonal relationship.FindingsFrom my virtual field trip on Dell, Inc., my findings can be described as follows:1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The purpose of the website is multi-faceted, although the overall function of the site is to inform people about their company, their business, their products, the events that they have, and the benefits of choosing them as a computer manufacturing company.2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The assumed user profile revolves around high-tech visitors of big suburban cities around the world (the Western, most especially).   It appears from its website design that the major group of people that are being invited to enter are those that are from the middle age, middle class society mainly because of the simplicity of design, some picturesque views, and a group of middle-aged, middle class people that are shown interacting.   Business investors are also included in this virtual user profile.3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The psychological and social human habits that are reflected in their website design constitute the concepts of simplicity, brotherhood, purity or creed (The Soul of Dell), being environmentally friendly, and the magnitude of technology.4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The advanced technologies that the company use can be subdivided into the following categories: first, the high-tech marketing information systems; second, the ultra-modern system of computer product manufacturing; third, the use of digital equipment for customer and human resource management; fourth, the use of ‘virtual integration’ and ‘fast-cycle segmentation’;[1] fifth and final, the ongoing use, innovation and improvement of Dell computer and its digital technology.5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Media visitors of t he Dell, Inc. website interact with technology from the start of the virtual tour up to the end.   Each buttons that they use in their personal computers bring them to a different tab or window in their screens, and all these can be labeled as interactions with technology.6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Based on my virtual tour at Dell, Inc. website, it is very obvious that technology affects cultural and social interactions.   Companies have the power to reflect cultural, social, and psychological views in the designing of their websites, in the laying out of fundamental ideas and codes, and in the types of information that are being shown.ConclusionsBeforehand, it was my preconception that Dell, Inc.’s physical and human environments would only revolve around the higher-class society of the Western world.However, based on the front picture on their website, the city that is shown does not necessarily pertain to the Western world but any city around the globe that is high-tech and vi rtual.   From brown hairs to black, the only thing that is similar among the people that were shown in the web pictures was that they were all high-class and contemporary.   Human habits depict one that is globally interconnecting, with a concern for earth and brotherhood.This visit changed my views by revealing that IT does not simply interact with people as a whole but that it connects with every viewer by reflecting significant psychological and social human habits that are most appealing for a given time and environment.   As of now, the environment covers the global spectrum because we are in the digital age, and the only American emblem that we see is the small flag of the USA.   Technology has the power to affect cultural and social interactions by affecting interpersonal relationship at best.SpeculationIt is my speculation that cultural and political wars do not help virtual companies like Dell, Inc..   This is because the overall concept that is readily seen in th eir website is one on concord and brotherhood.   The company has to ignite a very positive aura in the media, yet with all these they should also be true to their country as well.   To be a virtual company is to be clever both in social and interpersonal relationships inside and outside the country.ReferencesDell, Inc.   (2007).   Company: about Dell.   Retrieved August 7, 2007, from, J.   (1998).   The power of virtual integration: an interview with Dell Computer’s Michael Dell.   Harvard Business Review, March-April, 73-84.[1] This makes use of the most sensible timesaving devices, such as customer focus, supplier partnerships, mass customization, and just-in-time manufacturing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lion Symbol of Saint John, from the Book of Durrow vs. Tunc Crucifixerant XPI, from the Book of Kells

Lion Symbol of Saint John, from the Book of Durrow vs. Tunc Crucifixerant XPI, from the Book of Kells Lion Symbol of Saint John, from the Book of Durrow: Page 334fol. 191v, c. 650-700. Illuminated manuscript on vellum; 9 2/3 x 5 3/4 in.An early medieval manuscript from the second half of the seventh century.Produced on vellum pages.Uses only four colors to decorate: red, green, yellow and brown. These colors as well as the red dot pattern from the lion's face, are repeated in the border's interlace.Celtic/Irish interlace paired with a Lion figure in a profile that implies power with it's bared teeth as if it were roaring.This folio was used at the beginning of the section on Saint John.Symmetry is present in the interlace border, each side mirroring the other.Tunc Crucifixerant XPI, from the Book of Kells: Page 335fol. 124r, late 8th to 9th century. Illuminated manuscript on vellum; 9 1/2 x 13 in.A late medieval manuscript from the late eighth to early ninth centuries.The Chi Rho monogram from the Book of Kells is the...High quality vellum pages were used, though of uneven thickness; ranging from thick as leather to so thin to almost be translucent.The text uses a broad color palete: purple, lilac, red, pink, green, yellow being those most often used.This folio is a page from the Gospel of Matthew (27:38).The letter 'T' is very complex with an animalistic head for the curve of the 't' and the shelf of the 't' outstretches to legs on one end and arms on the other. A Dragon's head complete with flames is inserted into the border interlace to the left of the main 'T' from the text.The border has numerous patterns, some that are unique and do not repeat.People in profile have been inserted to the interlace as well.The red dots are used for intricate designs surrounding the text.The text...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Top 10 most common resume myths exposed

Top 10 most common resume myths exposed Finding that perfect job you’ve always strived for and building a successful career is a never-ending process which involves lots of different activities. Arguably, the most important aspect of your job search is building an impressive resume that will increase your chance of landing that dream job. There is plenty of information online about how you can write a resume, but the trouble is that lots of those articles perpetuate certain myths about resume writing, or are simply out of date. As a result, lots of candidates fail to get hired, despite having outstanding qualifications. In order to avoid making the same mistakes as everyone else, here are 10 most common resume myths you need to be aware of:Myth One: One-Page resumeThis one might make sense if you are fresh out of college. But, if you are an experienced professional that’s been in the business for a while, one page will probably not be enough to list all of your qualifications, job experience, and skills. Feel free to go over one page and include everything that you think is relevant.Myth Two: Include Your Entire Work HistoryWhile it’s important to provide a clear idea about your work experience, you don’t need to include every single job that you have ever worked. Focus on those jobs which are relevant to the job position you are applying for, and even then, focus on the last 10 years or so.Myth Three: Hide Your Work GapsConsidering the way the job market is these days, nobody will fault you for having work gaps inside your resume. Instead of hiding them, include them and provide a short explanation about each one in your cover letter. Also, volunteering can help you bridge those gaps and makes your resume look better.Myth Four: Provide a Detailed List of Your Duties for Each Job PositionYour future employers do not care about every single detail of your previous job. The only thing they are concerned about is how you can contribute to their company, as well as relevant pr ojects you have completed at your previous job, regardless of your job position or duties.Myth Five: Your Resume Needs to Be CreativeYou will come across different opinions on this one. It really depends on the company you are trying to apply with. Some are more liberal and like it when candidates think outside the box, while others are more conservative and don’t like unconventional resumes. It’s up to you to do the research.Myth Six: Your Photo Is Not NeededWhile it’s true that you will be hired based on your skills and qualifications, and not the way you look, you still should include a photo of yourself. If you don’t, you will leave a bad impression on the recruiters. Plus, we live in a visual age, so it’s only natural for your resume to feature your photo.Myth Seven: Form Doesn’t MatterOf course, what you put on your resume is essential, but it would be a mistake to neglect the form completely. Keep in mind that the recruiters go throug h hundreds of resumes for every job, and they are used to a particular resume structure.Myth Eight: Your Resume Should Contain Your Entire Professional and Personal HistoryYes, you definitely need to include all relevant information about yourself but your resume should not look like your autobiography. It should be more about your goals for the future, your abilities, and what you plan to do as far as your career is concerned.Myth Nine: Send the Same Resume to EveryoneSending out the same resume might save you some time, but it hurts your chances of being hired. It would be perfect if you could create a custom resume for every job opening so that it’s tailored to the needs of the company. Also, you will need to update the list of your previous jobs and replace the ones which are less relevant.Myth Ten: You Need to Keep at ItGetting a new job requires persistence, but that doesn’t mean you should email the companies you have applied with just days after. If they donâ⠂¬â„¢t call you right away, give it time and then reach out to them in a couple of weeks. If they decide not to hire you, ask for an internship. And if none of that works, you still have other companies. Besides, if you don’t have a job at the moment, you can use your free time to attend courses, volunteer, or master new skills which will help you enhance your resume.Now that you are no longer confused by 10 most common resume misconceptions it is the perfect time to write the ideal job application that will get you hired by your dream company. Start right away!About the author:Zoe Carter is a lifestyle blogger, digital nomad and editor at She is always in search for innovative ideas for learning languages and developing writing skills. You can chat with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Outline for a Term Paper

Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a term paper is a very important element of term paper writing. Outline should be written before you start writing a term paper.   Outline will help you set the direction for the term paper writing. Using custom term paper writing services, outline is delivered for free!   site unites professional native English writers who are able to help you with term paper writing on any topic!   Our paper writing blog is free and has numerous samples and writing tips. Term Paper Sample: Free Excerpt Part of the downward trend of fertility since 1957 was a result of the compressed fertility of the baby boom. Although it is not known whether today's young couples will have appreciably fewer children than couples born during the Depression years, there are two new facts in the picture today which point toward the probability of smaller families. The first is the continuation of the relationship described by Easterlin between fertility on the one hand and the supply of and demand for labor on the other. The bumper crops of babies are now maturing and swelling the ranks of job seekers and their competitive position is much less favorable than that of their counterparts in the late forties who entered the labor force in small numbers in a rapidly expanding economy. The second factor is the Pill. There is absolutely no evidence that the advent of the Pill initiated the decline in fertility; quite the contrary, the trend was evident for several years before the Pill was used by enough women to have made any substantial impact. But by 1964 this was no longer the case and by 1969 perhaps as many as a third of married couples were using this sophisticated contraceptive. The significance of the use of this method goes beyond its high degree of effectiveness in preventing unwanted fertility. The fact of its popularity among the young means that couples are adopting this method before, as well as early in, marriage, they are developing the contraceptive habit soon enough that increasing proportions of young couples are making decisions about first and second births that were formerly left to chance. This means not only that the length of time between births is increased, but also that the attitudes of successful family planning may be carried over into the later childbearing years. Moreover, an important by-product of postponing early childbearing is that it exposes the woman more to alternative interests potentially competitive with the mother role, such as working; this should also operate to reduce fertility further. One additional observation about the near future is also in order. Not only is research on new improved contraception progressing rapidly but the possibility of legalized abortion throughout the country seems closer at this moment than it has ever been closer indeed than anyone would have guessed even a year or so ago. And if that happens, as it well may, the fertility rate will undoubtedly decline further if the level of unwanted births has remained at anything like the rate estimated for the early 1960's. Term Paper Help Online Term paper writing service is qualitative help.   Using custom term paper assistance, you get a number of free pages: outline, cover page, and references.   Our educated writers can handle virtually any topic and they are never late with paper delivery!   Our term paper writing services are affordable.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Political Philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Confucius Essay

Political Philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Confucius - Essay Example The lives of the three philosophers are summarized by Plato when he said that "man must seek the truth; and once the truth is discovered in the purely speculative field, it must serve to find the solution of practical problems: rendering man morally better". To the untrained mind, the three philosophers may seem to differ on their political philosophies. Socrates purports that the political expression of government was the common good of all citizens, not the triumph of the individual over society's rules. Socrates opposed the Sophists, the teachers of philosophy in ancient Greece, on many fine points; one of the most important of which is their concern for the quality of life, in living ethically and believing that happiness is the ultimate purpose of life. The Sophists advocated that happiness is best achieved when materials things such as material possessions and wealth are acquired. Socrates argued that happiness was the ethical knowledge of how people are supposed to live. Moreover, governments, rather than being merely powerful organizational entities, should embody the ethical principles that will promote moral well-being. As a result of Socrates' political convictions, he was charged with corrupting the youth- because his studen ts were inspired by Socrates' idea to question authority, think for themselves and reject the establishment. According to Plato's account, Socrates was not subtle about his particular beliefs on government. He objected to any form of government that did not conform to his ideal of a perfect republic led by philosophers. However, this argument is often denied because of the fact that he refused to enter into politics or participate in government of any sort, stating that he could not look into other matters or tell people how to live when he himself did not yet understand. Nevertheless, history supports that Socrates thought that the rule of the Thirty Tyrants (Junta that overthrew democracy) was as objectionable as democracy. Plato advocates that the best form of government as seen in the Republic, is a government that reconciles different people's interests and includes aristocratic, oligarchic, and democratic elements. He further argues that politics needs expert rulers, who must be carefully selected and prepared in the course of extensive training. Since making political decisions require good judgment, government need competent rulers and these virtues can be found in philosophers. For Plato, government should exist for the benefit of all citizens and all social classes. Likewise, government should be responsible in mediating between potentially conflicting interests which may arise in the state. He then suggests in the Republic that this mediating force can be exercised ideally by philosopher-rulers. They will serve as the guarantors of the political order that is encapsulated in the norm that regulates just relations of persons and classes within the city. However, the great paradox of The Republic is that philosophers are not interested in ruling and have only desire in the pursuit of more knowledge. As Plato states in The Republic, "the society we have described can never grow into a reality or see the light of day, and there will be no end to the troubles of states, or indeed, my dear Glaucon, of humanity itself, till philosophers are kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Korean Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Korean Art - Essay Example One of the leaders in the Monochrome Art Movement, Ha Chong-Hyun (1935) used landscaping techniques in his works so to express the way he saw man as not being separable to nature (Art World of Ha Chong-Hyun). Kwon Young woo (1926) on the other hand, used simple composition out of paper by tearing, sticking, perforating, and coloring paper to create abstract modern paintings. His purpose was to break down the gap between Korean painting and the Western painting - This was obviously what the Minjung Art Movement was against (The 11 Great Korean Artists). Minjung artists, on the other hand, used a more revolutionized technique in painting. This is one of the biggest differences between the two movements. They used different vivid colors and facial expressions in their works to show their feelings toward capitalists and imperialists. Their techniques though were adopted from Buddhist paintings and narrative art. In this image ECRITURE NO. 000105, Park Seo-bo used one color pattern only although it dramatically shows the lights and shades, as well as for image 2 - Ecriture 000105 2000. ... Both paintings resemble nature. They show movement and harmony. Although the works of Minjung Art painters were quite different from those of Monochrome Art Movement because of their use of colors, they are similar in the use of patterns. Both painting techniques use patterns in design and color as well. In the next images, you can see vibrant colors in the Minjung Art paintings, but still, they follow a certain pattern as to the color of the clothes used, accessories, and background. The next images represent the Minjung Art Movement: (SoRi-MoRi Philadelphia Korean Cultural Troupe ("The Kabo Peasants' War" Both paintings used different colors and detailed faces. It is also similar in some way to the Monochromatic Art technique because it also follows a certain pattern in direction. Both have symmetry and balance. Works Cited Jung, Jun-mo. The 11 Great Korean Artists. Kim, Yong-na. 20th Century Korean Art. NJ: Laurence King Publishing, 2005 Seo-bo, Park. "Ecriture 000105" Online image. "Ecriture 000105 2000" Online image. Park Ryu Sook Gallery. Path: Galleries; Asian Artists Smith, Edward Lucie. Art World of Ha Chong-Hyun. 2007/08/02Path: Criticism; Art World of Ha Chong-Hyun-Edward Lucie-Smith l Art Critic "SoRi-MoRi Philadelphia Korean Cultural Troupe" Online image. Yon'guso, Kyore Misul. "The Kabo Peasants' War" Online image. Our People's Art

Language development& early literacy in multilingual context Essay

Language development& early literacy in multilingual context - Essay Example In multilingual contexts, the learning experience and process of the first language significantly affects the acquisition of the second and other additional languages (Robertson and Nunn 2006). Basing on this, this essay tries to highlight the role of an early childhood practitioner in the learning process. It highlights the appropriate planning and implementation of the learning process in such contexts. This essay explains the childhood language learning process, together with the factors affecting language development. It also discusses the current approaches in childhood language learning and gives ways that can be used to improve the process. Before writing this essay, a number of ethical issues and confidentiality have been taken into account. The first thing that has been taken into account is to provide information that has no bias. This essay tries to provide practices and theories that can be used all over the world to better the learning process in early childhood learning centers. In addition to this, this essay cites all the sources from which the information used has been obtained. This will help readers to read more about the topic in case they need more inf ormation (Wang 2011). Language development at an early age is an important process and needs keen concern and support. It forms the foundation on which future language learning and literacy acquisition is build. The degree and ease with which children learn a language can also be a great predictor of future academic success and has many long-term implications in the social and economic sectors. This affects the development and interactivity of individuals in a family and in the society. Many things in the society affect language learning at an early age. This is because, during the learning process, a child always interprets information from the environment and forms his or her own perceptions of what language is and of how to

Persuasive Memo With Business Improvement Suggestions Essay

Persuasive Memo With Business Improvement Suggestions - Essay Example This is because the online customers will be able to access our products easily and raise views and questions at the same time. It is very unfortunate that the previous financial report shows that the company performance is not pleasing. This is because it reported a 10.3% decrease in return on investment. This shows that the profits are diminishing and an action to improve on the same is required. In order to solve this problem, I have come up with a proposal on creative ways. Persuade Cafe is a company with a good profile from its customers and the quality of its products. Also, the quality services offered to the customers are not questionable at all since their needs are met within a short time. This is clear from the survey done from 732 respondents where majority were content with our services and products. In addition, the survey shows that some customers do not know some of the products existing in Persuade Cafe like espresso drinks. Following the responses of the customers, I request the company to start advertising campaigns, improve on products and introduce new products in the market. The advertising campaigns will focus on prospective customers who are not aware of products and services offered. It will also educate the consumers on how to use the products in order to get the best result. Some of the customers are not aware on where they can obtain some of the company’s products. ... In another dimension, most of the products will be purchased due to the presence of free samples. In order to market the products widely, there is need to use media group like television, radios and newspapers. Introduction of new products in the market is another suggestion that will increase the returns. New types of coffee, tea, bakery and soft drinks will not only increase sales, but also create a competitive advantage to the company (Ober, 2007). The company will be in a position to compete with its competitors like Starbacks who also deal with almost the same products. The survey shows that there are complains on the quality of the products and services. Pastry is one product that many consumers are complaining about. Also, bakery items and espresso drinks are of low quality, which can lead to loss of customers due to lack of satisfaction. This was the main reason why the head of business development, Christopher, was disappointed by the customer survey results. In order to cat er for all consumers, I suggest Persuade Cafe to rebrand its products into small and big quantities. Since customers have different tastes and preferences, it is important to have the goods in different packages and colors. This will increase returns in the short run as well as in the long run and also attract fair competition. Having in mind that the economy is not performing well and the status of the company, this project costs a substantive amount of money, but you are assured of immediate return. Advertising, rebranding and packaging costs are all variable to the company hence easy to meet. Advertising campaigns and rebranding will enable the company maintain its current customers and attracting others. Quality products and services give the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American history - Essay Example Industrialization left the northern states of the Union developed and the south was still operating under the agrarian practices, which had existed prior to the formation of the United States. The arguments of slavery address the fundamental questions, which are whether slaves are regarded as people or property, the view of states’ rights vs. federal rights, and the impact of sociology and religion in politics. The question of the rights of states and slavery started to begin as Manifest Destiny began to take place. The United States was becoming an established world power and was expanding west. As a result, the original thirteen colonies were growing. Some of these new territories were taken through purchases with foreign nations and some were the result of wars. The Compromise of 1850 dealt with the future of slave states versus those in the Union. In the compromise, there were specific territorial and financial compensations which were given in order to prevent the worst, but what would become an inevitable action: cessation of the southern slave states (Boyer, Clark, Hawley, Kett, & Rieserm 2010) The biggest debate, which was invoked, was over the debate of whether slaves were regarded as people or property. Seward argued on the behalf of natural law and the laws that were passed down by God.

HATE CRIME Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HATE CRIME - Essay Example According to Dr. Jack McDevitt, hate crimes are â€Å"message crimes,† which tell the victim and the minority group to which he belongs, that they are not welcome in that society (cited in APA Position paper, 1998). As such, hate crimes have the potential to alienate whole sections of society and lead to fragmentation. In the face of such clear-cut danger to society, it is imperative that unambiguous, punitive legislation against hate crimes needs to be enacted and put into execution at the earliest. The entry of the term ‘hate crimes’ into common vocabulary can be traced to the Justice Departments’ ‘hate crime statistics’ in 1985 (Jacobs and Potter, cited in Siasoco, 1999). The official definition of a hate crime or a bias crime is â€Å"a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offenders’ bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or ethnicity/national origin† (Robinson, 2003). The perpetrators of hate crimes are generally young adults and strangers to the victims. While some of them may be members of hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, the vast majority are otherwise law-abiding individuals, whose personal biases stem from the social norms governing their environment. They often feel that they are morally justified and supported by society in their attacks on people perceived to be ‘different.’ The leading basis of hate crimes continues to be racism, with African-Americans bearing the brunt of the attacks, a particularly heinous case being the dragging to death of James Byrd in Texas in June 1998. Ethnic minorities are targeted because of their different lifestyles and their success being perceived as a threat to the employment and financial opportunities of the ‘natives.’ David Ritcheson, a Latino, was sodomized and savagely

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American history - Essay Example Industrialization left the northern states of the Union developed and the south was still operating under the agrarian practices, which had existed prior to the formation of the United States. The arguments of slavery address the fundamental questions, which are whether slaves are regarded as people or property, the view of states’ rights vs. federal rights, and the impact of sociology and religion in politics. The question of the rights of states and slavery started to begin as Manifest Destiny began to take place. The United States was becoming an established world power and was expanding west. As a result, the original thirteen colonies were growing. Some of these new territories were taken through purchases with foreign nations and some were the result of wars. The Compromise of 1850 dealt with the future of slave states versus those in the Union. In the compromise, there were specific territorial and financial compensations which were given in order to prevent the worst, but what would become an inevitable action: cessation of the southern slave states (Boyer, Clark, Hawley, Kett, & Rieserm 2010) The biggest debate, which was invoked, was over the debate of whether slaves were regarded as people or property. Seward argued on the behalf of natural law and the laws that were passed down by God.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

''Why We Crave Horror Movies'' by Stephen King Essay

''Why We Crave Horror Movies'' by Stephen King - Essay Example However, the guidelines of social morality and socially acceptable behavior, perpetually prevent us from unleashing these urges. Thus, we constantly strive to find, alternative and somewhat more acceptable ways of venting out our feelings of hostility and aggression; and in this quest of ours, we are magnetically drawn towards horror movies. Our Id -and the primitive lust for violence cherished by it - as the Freudians would remark, is able to achieve instant gratification through viewing the harrowing scenes depicted on the screen. Thus, it can be asserted that our craving for horror movies is in a way, a manifestation of the: anger, frustration and aggression that we experience in relation to the society around us. The following discussion will suffice to substantiate this point. It is a commonly observed fact that there is a disparity between our public and private selves. This dichotomy leads to a monstrously twofold existence. Our public self is governed by inhibitions whereas o ur private self constantly yearns to sever itself from the restraints of the more socially poised self. As opposed to the seemingly placid public self, the private self craves for anarchy and social rebellion. It is note-worthy that within each of us resides a spy or an imposter- forever struggling to remain hidden from the outside world. While viewing a grotesque scene or a horror movie, this imposter overshadows the much civil public self and assumes a dominant role.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of Cloud Storage In Robotic Environment

Analysis of Cloud Storage In Robotic Environment Cloud Computing: Analysis of Cloud Storage In Robotic Environment Tushar Gupta Sunil Yadav Abstract— Cloud is a well-designed data storage model concerned with the storage of information on the web. Such storage has greatly revolutionized the robotic environment for learning purpose. This paper provides an overview of how databases in cloud deliberate to store knowledge fabricated by both robots and human in a robot-readable open format that will support existing as well as forthcoming robots learn faster. These robots will pick up the aggregate knowledge which will be accumulated in the cloud storage so as to perform a set of tasks including navigation, task information like how to pick up an object as well as object-recognition data such as digital models of real-world objects, to simultaneously confine itself in the unknown environment and to construct a map of the environment without having any knowledge in advance. Keywords—cloud, storage, robotics, robobrain, rapyuta I. Introduction From decades, it has been noticed that robots are mainly empowered with programming embedded in a chip but a small defect could result into malfunctioning of the whole unit and hence affect learning ability of robots. As such certain mechanism is required that will provide guarantee in terms of reliability, security and robustness. Due to great processing power of cloud it paved the way as an appropriate utility in Robotic Environment. Cloud robotics is one such step taken towards, that has evolved idea of leveraging the Internet for robots, and offers extraordinary opportunities for robot learning. Instead of using the World Wide Web for rapid communication or faster reckoning, a key factor is allowed for robots to generate and collaboratively update shared knowledge repositories. Such knowledge bases will power robots to deal with the intricacies of human environments and offer a simple yet powerful way for life-long robot learning. [1] The objective of the European-Commission-fund ed initiative is to evolve proof-of-concept demonstrations that show the way that cloud repositories like RoboEarth’s databases can greatly prompt robot learning and how they may finally allow robots to act well beyond their preprogrammed behaviors. As many AI Researchers are putting effort in establishing a database in cloud which they called â€Å"RoboBrain† that will house all the information which robots have learned till now and help them further their knowledge by sharing that knowledge. On the developer’s hand, they will have access to RoboBrain’s massive database, free of charge and wirelessly. [2] Aditya Jami, from Cornell, who depicted the database for RoboBrain said this about it: â€Å"The RoboBrain will look like a gigantic, branching graph with abilities for multi-dimensional queries.† By sharingparameters, data, files and everythingelse robots have gathered till now, their developers will access and automates the robot’s grasp ing of their ambiances, including speech and voice recognition, grasping, navigating and perception of different objects. Year 2010 was firstly marked as the self-drivingcarscame in our lives which afterwards tracked by RoboEarth (a system that allow the robots to distribute their knowledge wirelessly between each other). II. Literature Review A. Cloud Robotics Cloud Robotics is a specialized application of cloud computing that deals with the study of robots and their environment. Since with the help of cloud all the data will get stored on the web which in turn has greatly boosted the ability of robots to perform all workings by sharing experience with each other in order to provide a precise response. Due to connection with cloud network it is easier for robots to collaborate with other objects, machines and human beings. At the same time, internet has highly augmented the capabilities of robots by providing service on demand and offloads computation. Cloud robotics has greatly overcome the problem of network robotics due to their resource, information and communication constraints. With the arrival of cloud robotics expenditure of maintenance and updates and requirement of custom middleware has solved up to a great extent. Fig 1: Driven by advances in mobile communication technologies, lots of robotics applications can be executed in the cloud environment[3]. Robots are able to perform some computationally heavy tasks such as mapping, planning and probabilistic interference through the accessibility of huge computational infrastructure. RoboEarth is one such attempt that offers a cloud based infrastructure, which can help a robot to send some data to cloud and get the data back from the cloud in some other form. RoboEarth is a kind of database that stores the knowledge generated by either humans or robot but in a machine readable format. RoboEarth knowledge base is supposed to consist of a variety of data including task knowledge (e.g. manipulation strategies, action recipes etc.), several software components, maps for navigation (e.g. world models and location of objects), model that aids in recognition of different objects.(e.g. object models, images). Rapyuta which is also considered as the RoboEarth cloud engine is highly responsible for powerful computations to the robots. It is implemented as Platform-as-a-Service which is open sour ce designed to suit robotics application. It enables the robots to unburden heavy computation to protect cloud’s computing environment with marginal configuration. Rapyuta is considered to provide efficient access to the bandwidth which in turn provides access to the repository of knowledge on cloud enabling robots to learn skills and share experience with other robots. The components of the cloud robotics are so well structured and interconnected that they provide the environment for the deployment of large robotic teams. B. Software Components RoboEarth system is powered with the cloud infrastructure which in turn supported by RoboEarth databases and RoboEarth cloud engine (Rapyuta) in addition with several software components. Such software components are responsible to interact with the RoboEarth database in order to enquiry and accumulate data and can be installed for their execution in cloud engine or locally on the robot. In certain scenario these components can also be used independently. Fig 3: A simple architecture diagram of the integrated RoboEarth system can be used during thefinal demonstrator [4]. Rapyuta: Rapyuta is a framework which is an open source framework for having utility in cloud robotics. The figure below give a simple outlook of the Rapyuta framework: Each robot attached to the Rapyuta is having a reliable computing environment (rectangular boxes) enhancing their efficiency to move their heavy computation in the cloud. Computing environment are interconnected in a well-structured way and have a high bandwidth connectivity to the repository of knowledge as shown in the figure by stacked circular disks. Fig 2: Rapyuta: A Cloud Robotics Framework [5] RoboEarth DB: The Apache Hadoop based WWW- style database used to store essential data for the robots. KnowRob: It is a system involved in the processing of knowledge that groups reasoning methods and knowledge representation with several techniques for acquiring the knowledge in the physical system. It also serves as a framework that gathers knowledge through the various sources and is used in RoboEarth as a local knowledge base for robots. Object Adapter: These are the set of ROS packages that enables both robots and users to build up a small cloud model from an object using a marker pattern, so that the resulting model can be stored in the RoboEarth’s repository of knowledge, and allow downloading the object models later and used them for detecting objects. WIRE: The WIRE stack allows generating and maintaining one stable world state gauze based on object detections. It is highly involved in the data association problem by retaining multiple hypotheses and facilitates following of various object attributes. C2TAM: C2TAM implements a system called visual SLAM which is dependent upon a distributed framework where the storage and expensive map optimization is allocated on an external server, whereas a light camera tracking client executes on the local machine. The robot onboard computers are released from a burden of calculation, the only additional requirement being an internet connection. III. Application of cloud storage in robotics Cloud Based Robotics has proved to have a number of applications and advantages over the traditional networked based robotics. Cloud storage provides a shared knowledge database by which the robots can easily share their information with each other and can aligned them to work collaboratively in order to achieve a common task. Cloud robotics offloads the computing tasks to the cloud which involves heavy computation. Moreover cloud robotics is cheaper, easier to maintain hardware and lighter which results in the long battery life. CPU hardware upgrades are undetectable and hassle free. Cloud Robotics involves skilled and well maintained database. Reusable library of capability or etiquette that map to perceived tasks requirements/complex situations. Data mining keep the history of all cloud which enable robots. Due to these advantages, cloud robotics had a wide range of potential applications in the computation-intensive or data-intensive tasks in the areas of health care, intelligent transportation, environment monitoring, smart home, entertainment, education and defense. In this section, we discuss the opportunity and challenges that cloud robotics bring to traditional robotic applications. Specifically we focus upon three robotic applications: Robotic Surgery, Defense and navigation. A. Robotic Surgery Consider a scenario where a situation demands instant operation of a patient but the problem is doctor is not available. Then to tackle with that situation Robots can help because they can capture the useful knowledge from the cloud regarding the operation tips as mentioned by the other robots who previously have tackled with the same situation who is currently present somewhere else. In this way the whole operation can be executed in a safe and reliable manner. B. Defense Cloud robotics has a huge application in defense where they can sense the area which has the maximum probability of finding enemy by selecting the appropriate map from cloud storage at appropriate time. Cloud storage can be fed with updated maps from time to time with the help of satellites. As such human life can be saved by using robots in place of them at the time of world war or any war happening in the country. C. Navigation Robotic Navigation involves a robot identifying its own position with respect to a certain reference by choosing an appropriate path from there to reach the desired destination from all possible paths available. Such activity involves a collection of tasks such as localization, path planning and mapping. Two types of approaches are available: mapless and map based approach [13]. Mapless approaches are based on the observation and perception of the sensors used in navigation. Due to the limited onboard resources, these approaches usually suffer from reliability issues. Map based robotic navigation is comparatively better then mapless if the map is available. It can either use an unknown map or build a map during navigation. On the other hand building maps requires too much computation and storage requirements. However, if the area is large process of creating map requires access to vast amount of data which is a challenging task. Cloud robotics highly aids cloud based navigation by fa cilitating the following two properties: In addition to provide vast storage space to store the large amount of map data, cloud also provide processing power to facilitate the construction and searching of the map quickly. Secondly, commercially available maps (e.g. Google maps, bing maps) can also be leveraged to develop consistent, active, and high range independent navigation solutions. IV. shortcomings of cloud storage in robotics One of the key issues regarding cloud robotics is threaten to cloud storage which is highly vulnerable to malicious attacks. Moreover the wireless network over which the robot communicates with cloud in order to exchange information can be challenged at any instant of time. As certain security mechanism needs to be provided that will result in the increasing overhead of the overall system. As discussed, previously that a developer has an access over the cloud. In the same manner if an intruder gets access to the cloud somehow then it might be possible the same intruder will replace the existing information in cloud with some other malicious information that will result in the malfunctioning of robots that proves to be highly destructive. Several other limitations of cloud robotics:- 1. As discussed in section II cloud supports the software part of the robot and it doesn’t have to deal with the hardware structure of the robots. So, it offload the hassle and costs of IT management. 2. Cloud robotics relies heavily on the cloud which in turn depends upon internet connection. So, if internet service will get affected from frequent outages or slow speed it fails to help the robots to continue their frequent communication in order to share knowledge from knowledge repository present on the cloud. 3. It is a hard fact to digest that robotics is lacking emotions. Such thing results in a huge impact on the people because of their adjustment with the machinery robots because there is high probability of thinking mismatch between them. Consider havoc where the people are suffering from the local environment conditions. As such if certain robotic team is send there for the rescue operation for their safety it is very hard for the humans to believe upon them. V. Possible Solutions And Future Scope Instead of fetching knowledge every time to perform an operation from cloud. A robot must be able to remember the already done tasks in order to tackle the same situation next time but at faster rate with greater efficiency. Robots can be taught to handle many different tasks through the installation of robotic apps. Very soon, these robots will enhance the real-time by connecting to the cloud and downloading apps from there [9]. An app store for robots – Downloading apps from the app store is one the biggest reality behind smartphones success. In the same way Robot Apps can be used to control the robot and imparting intelligence in them. Some Apps allow you to generate predefined-programmed movement sequences, while others are used for remote control, whereas software development platforms are used to make more sophisticated autonomous control systems. VI. ConClusion We have discussed a scenario where future robotics will rely heavily on cloud storage that will enhance their capability and functionality in terms of learning and sharing information in order to work collaboratively to achieve some goal which was limited earlier due to limited programming. Cloud storage also enabled the developers due to their accessibility to the cloud to control and coordinate the robot activities at any point where the situation demands that may not be favorable to nature. Cloud storage also supports some real time applications like Health Care, Intelligent transportation, Rescue Operation, Assembling of different parts in production of vehicles etc. Cloud Storage in some cases proves to be inadequate due to poor transfer rate and harmful due to security threats on cloud due to wireless networking access technique which could be easily challenged at any time resulting in a huge destruction. References M . Waibel , â€Å"Analysis: Robot learning in the cloud Covic â€Å"RoboBrain† Will Use Cloud to Teach Robots, Available: V. Covic, â€Å"RoboBrain† Will Use Cloud to Teach Robots, Available: RoboEarth, What is Cloud Robotics? Available:, 2013. RoboEarth, What are Software Components in Cloud Robotics? Available: Rapyuta: A Cloud Robotics Framework, A Cloud Robotics Platform Available: Guoqiang Hu, Wee Peng Tay, and Yonggang Wen, â€Å"Cloud Robotics:Architecture, Challenges and Applications† IEEE NETWORK MAGAZINE S. Jordà ¡n*, T. Haidegger**, L. Kovà ¡cs**, I. Felde** and I. Rudas**, The Rising Prospects of Cloud Robotic Applications, IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics †¢ July 8-10, 2013 †¢ Tihany, Hungary Richard Voyles â€Å"Robotics as a â€Å"Singularity†: The Case for Cloud Robotics and Real-Time Big Data† Available:, August 17, 2013 Grishin Robotics â€Å"Future of cloud Robotics† Available: K. Goldberg. Cloud Robotics. Available: robotics, 2013. K. Goldberg and B. Kehoe, Cloud Robotics and Automation: A Survey of Related Work. UC Berkeley Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2013-5. Available: 2013/EECS-2013-5.html, 2013. RobotShop, Pioneers Cloud Robotics, Interview With Mario Tremblay. Available: F. Bonin-Font, A. Ortiz, and G. Oliver, â€Å"Visual navigation for mobilerobots: A survey,† Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, vol. 53, pp. 263–296, 2008. `

Sunday, October 13, 2019

ASP :: Essays Papers

ASP AUDIENCE: Beginning programmers or web developers. TITLE: ASP INTRODUCTION: ASP or Active Server Pages is a powerful server-based technology from Microsoft, designed to create dynamic and interactive HTML pages for World Wide Web sites. ASP is used to create dynamic or active web pages. Dynamic web pages may change depending on who visits the page, when they visit, or how they got there. Whereas a static web page will always be the same no matter what. The following report will explain what ASP is, discuss how ASP works, outline why ASP should be used ASP, and provide a brief overview of ASP syntax. This topic was chosen to educate myself about where ASP came from and why it is used and to pass what I have learned on to any one willing to read this report. DISCUSSION: What is ASP ASP was â€Å"born† in November 1996 when Microsoft announced its design of an Active Platform. It consists of two parts, the Active Desktop and the Active Server. The Active Desktop refers to the client side: where HTML files are displayed on a web browser. The Active Server refers to the server-side component. This consists of pages that can be interpreted by the server, hence the term Active Server Pages. An ASP file contains any combination of text, HTML tags, and script commands. A script command instructs a computer to do something, such as assign a value to a variable. The script commands in an ASP file are compiled on the server then the output is sent to the client computer for display. The actual ASP code or script commands in an ASP file are not sent to the client computer. The code is first executed on the server, creating HTML. This HTML then replaces the ASP code in the ASP file and then sent to the client to be displayed. ASP code can be any programming language that supports the ActiveX interface including JScript, VBScript, and PerlScript. As people know Microsoft has a tendency to make people use their products. But in the case of ASP people don’t have to. ASP has evolved into an â€Å"open technology framework† meaning it is no necessary to use Microsoft’s products to create code in it, although that’s the best way to go. You don’t have to use VBScript, which is from Microsoft, but PerkScript or JScript can be use, which aren’t from Microsoft.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing the Movies Wall Street and Boiler Room Essay -- Film Compare

Comparing the Movies 'Wall Street' and 'Boiler Room' Profit, profit and more profit - the golden pillars of capitalism. In the movies 'Wall Street' and 'Boiler Room' this is the ideology that the characters uphold. While, there are many variances in the two movies, the basic aim of both lead characters i.e. Gordan Gekko (Wall Street) and Seth Davis (Boiler Room) is to make money. Both men are stockbrokers who deal in high finance in the exclusive world of Wall Street. However, with both movies are set in different decades the way they go about doing so differs. 'Wall Street' is set in the 'roaring eighties' - a decade that has become synonymous with greed, the so-called era of plenty. With an economy just recovering from recession, as well as oil crises (which incidentally led to higher gas prices, that in turn led to the introduction of a nationwide speed limit in America). The eighties was the time that Regan took office and instituted his economic policies that were to pull America out of the recession and resuscitate its economy. His approach, known as 'Reganomics' - did in...

Friday, October 11, 2019

As Long as the Grass Grows or Water Runs Essay

Directions: As you read the chapter, think about and answer the following questions. What is the major theme in this chapter? The major theme was Native American survival and the effects of Americans taking their land, raiding their communities, and spreading diseases. What evidence does Zinn cite to illustrate the overall impact of Indian removal? He uses the story â€Å"Fathers and Children† to show the overall impact. The book talked about how the Native Americans were treated horrible. They were kicked out of their home and their homeland and as the horrors went on the Native population began to decrease majorly. How do Jefferson’s views concerning Indian policy differ when he served as Secretary of state and as President? Why did his views change? When he was Secretary he believed that the Indians should be left alone, but when he became President he believed the Indians should be forced out because this allowed for vast open lands for the Americans to occupy with ag, market, commerce, and develop a good economy. He also wanted to gain more respect from the American citizens (majority of population) How does Andrew Jackson’s early political/military career foreshadow his Indian policies as President? Before he was President he had a hatred for the Indians and had battled many of them at war. When he became President he had more power to allow him to try to get rid of the Indians permanently. How does Zinn’s view of the War of 1812 contrast with traditional histories? Zinn believed that war was unnecessary. Zinn thought that we were trying to expand our land but the histories say that we were just fighting the war to get away from England. Why does Zinn juxtapose the Nullification Controversy of 1832 and the enforcement of Worcester v. Georgia? He is trying to show the reader that people still believed the Indians should be left alone and that they were willing to fight for the Indian’s rights. Some states tried to abolish federal tariffs to help out, but those on Jackson’s side outnumbered these people. What is the significance of the phrase: â€Å"As  long as grass grows or water runs†? I believe this is saying that the situation between these two different civilizations will always remain the same, which was on bad terms. So as long as the grass continues to grow and the water still runs, things between them will continue to stay that way.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Legislative Initiative

On April 1, 2008, House Bill 2833 entitled Food Security Act passed the Senate Committee on Finance and would only require majority approval in the Senate floor to become a full fledged law (Office of Sen. Rice, 2008). This initiative is the output of the Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger established May last year and aimed at the concretization of its recommendations based on the study regarding the issue.Bartfeld, Dunifon, Nord and Carlson (2006) defined food security as â€Å"the access by all people at all times to enough food for an active and healthy life† (p.4). Reports reveal that Oklahoma ranks fifth among U.S. states currently experiencing high levels of food insecurity and seventh among states with high poverty levels (Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, p.5, 8). This means that many individuals in the state do not meet the daily required nutritional needs in order to realize their full physical and mental potentials because they can not afford to buy food.From 2003-2006, st udies showed that Oklahoma’s wage and salary employment rates have steadily increased and resulted in remarkable economic growth. The state’s workforce is concentrated in the retail, health services, accommodations and food services and manufacturing industries as well as in local government and administrative and waste services (Snead and Barta, 2007). However, there are 10 counties which experienced job losses within the period.Improvements in the economy are not equally distributed in the state. Barta and Snead (2007) underscore the observation that â€Å"larger economies have a built in competitive advantage through economies of scale and greater amenities for residents relative to smaller regions and should be expected to outperform smaller regions† (p. 3). Thus, out of the state’s 77 counties, people in the metropolitan areas have higher standards of living than those in the 35 smaller, rural counties mostly located in the northwest region.Hence, a significant number of Oklahoman families in these areas are middle to low income earners and may account for the 14.6% of the population who are hungry or the 17% who are living below the poverty line. They lack the capacity to sufficiently obtain all their needs such as housing, healthcare, education and utilities. Family budgets for food are compromised in order to cover all basic needs. More expensive nutritious foods are replaced by cheaper but unhealthy foods and deprivation results in poor eating habits (Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, p. 5).The Task Force on Hunger estimated the following: â€Å"a single parent with one school age child living in Tulsa Country needs to earn $13.53 an hour to be economically stable while a single person needs $7.52† (p. 9). However, the state’s minimum wage is pegged at $5.85 an hour while the costs of basic necessities are quickly and steadily rising. Although jobs are being created, most are temporary as in the manufacturing sec tor, adding job insecurity to low pay.Food insecurity impacts greatly on children.   Ã‚  Ã‚   They make up more than a third of the poor population in the state where 1 out of every 5 children potentially experience hunger on a daily basis (Office of Sen. Rice, 2008). Insufficient nutrition affects their physical and mental growth, evidenced in poor school performance, susceptibility to disease and the high obesity rates. According to the Sodexho Foundation findings, these consequences of hunger cause the state to lose $1.4 billion annually (Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, p. 5).The passing of HB 2833 in the Senate will create the Oklahoma Food Security Committee as the body responsible for its implementation. In the immediate, it seeks to increase the utilization of state welfare food programs and the reach of non-government charitable organizations providing food relief for families and children (Oklahoma Task Force on Hunger, 2007). In the long term, it will address insufficient family income and raise food security levels.The Food Stamp Program currently allows persons to use electronic benefit cards to buy food items with an equivalent of $90 under the Thrifty Food Plan. The Women, Infants and Children Program, on the other hand, provides services such as nutrition education, health care referrals and supplemental food for needy families. The Senior Food Program targets the health, nutrition and social needs of the elderly. School nutrition programs provides for children through free lunches and snacks.In addition, private organizations operate soup kitchens, shelters and food pantries among others. Meanwhile, taxes may be deducted from low income earning families through claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit. Taxes imposed on small farmers in the market may also be lessened through the Sales Tax Credit Relief. Secondary to this, the agricultural sector also needs a boost in order to locally produce adequate food stuffs for the state’s nutrition n eeds.Through these measures, the Food Security Act will work to increase the amount that families may spend for food and other needs as well as harness all available resources to generate more food supplies. Increase in net income and supporting food relief will decrease the number of families and especially children, who are poor and hungry. This effort will raise the state’s food security levels towards acceptable levels within the next 5 years.Although, the Food Security Act as a legislative initiative is laudable in its objectives, I think that ultimately, significant change in economic status is the result of secure employment and sufficient pay. If the state should raise its minimum wage, even by a fraction, then that is a concrete step.The state should also complement the existing welfare food programs with similar initiatives in health care and education. This will further reduce the full burden of lower income earners in shouldering the food, school and health care n eeds of their children. The state should also put primacy in allocating funds to sustain these programs.List of ReferencesBartfeld, J., Dunifon, R., Nord, M. and Carlson, S. (2006). What Factors Account for State- by-State Differences in Food Security?. Economic Information Bulletin, 20. Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4 April 2008 from of Senator Andrew Rice (2008). Food Security Act Advances to Senate Floor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved 4 April 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Task Force on Hunger (2007). Hunger is Not Ok. Retrieved 4 April 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, M.C. and Barta, S. (2007). Economic Recovery Growth Patterns in Oklahoma 2003-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2006. The Oklahoma Economy Research Release. Retrie ved 4 April 4, 2008 from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

John Donne’s poems: Holy Sonnet 10 and Meditation 17 Essay

Donne’s view of death is not one of a cynic. He is a man who regards death not as the final battle of life, but rather in the Christian sense, of it being just a transfer of the soul from the earthly plain to its final destination. He considers death not to be an event to be held in fear, but one that is to be understood. He believes so strongly in this philosophy that in Sonnet 10, he instructs people not to fear death. He insults death, personifying it as a person who has a far greater reputation than he has earned. He tells death not to pride itself in its reputation of a â€Å"mighty and dreadful† horror even though regarded so by some, as it is nothing more than an extended sleep. He reduces death to a very low level, associating it with poison, war and sickness. He further insults it by commenting on how it does not operate with free will. It is confined to the boundaries set by fate, chance, Kings, and desperate men. Moreover, drugs of poppy and simple charms can provide the same sleeping effect , if not better; and sleep is such a great source of pleasure, why would anyone be reluctant to embrace it? Death is not something to be feared or to be held in awe. â€Å"One short sleep past, [humanity wakes] eternally† to the beauty of afterlife, which is far better a life than any huma n is experiencing presently. In contrast, In Meditation 17, Donne does not imply that death is feared by some, or that it is thought to have monumental power. He comments more on the effect it has on humanity. He compares life to a book, comparing each person to a chapter in this great book of life. Again, he regards death not as the end of life, but a beginning of a new one. He parallels it to the translation of each chapter to a different language, the language of the afterlife, with each chapter awaiting the inevitable translation. And since death is just a translation, wisdom can, and must be gained from it. Donne regards death not as a loss to the person afflicted by it, but as a loss to humanity as a whole, who have lost a small, but vital part of the community. Therefore, the burden of death must be shared by all, and by sharing this grief, it is Donne’s opinion that a treasure of God’s goodwill and knowledge will be gained. Donne thinks that death is not that great of a hurdle. It is a mere stepping-stone in the process of eternal happiness. God uses death only as the transition from Earth to heaven, so it is something to be awaited and to strive to prepare for by all.

Exchange Rate Considerations- DB4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exchange Rate Considerations- DB4 - Essay Example A stable money supply plays a crucial role in economic growth. Excessive circulation of currency results in inflation while an insufficient circulation of currency makes it more difficult for consumers and firms to obtain credit to finance large purchases and business expansions. Given that the United States, the European Union, and Japan are the world richest economies as at the time of the ranking, Ben Bernanke, Jean-Claude Trichet, and Masaaki Shirakawa have considerable influence on the stability and growth of the global economy. In the United States, the Federal Reserve System (Fed) controls the monetary policy through the Federal Open Market Committee with Mr. Ben S. Bernanke as the Chairman. As mentioned above, the ultimate goal of the monetary policy actions of the FRS is to promote sustainable economic growth and stability through control of the availability of currency and credit. Whatever affects the flow of currency ultimately affects the interest rates and the economic p erformance.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hardships of Slavery in the 1800s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hardships of Slavery in the 1800s - Essay Example The Slaves were treated as animals and therefore not entitled to freedom On the other hand; men farmed, herded animals and served in the colonial armies. Slaves were treated as animals and therefore not entitled to freedom. In most parts of the world, slavery was perceived as a means of accumulating wealth and social status. Â  The slaves went through severe challenges and harsh treatment by their masters. In fact, they were forced to work under the scorching sun and severely whipped. The slaves were worked to death regardless of their health condition. They slaves succumbed to severe ailments such as smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid among others. Enslaved women were sexually harassed by their masters (Kempadoo 6). Despite the many hardships, African slaves were in the highest demand to work in the plantations. This was fueled by the perception that African slaves were immune to severe tropical diseases than slaves from other continents. It was believed that Africans were more experienced in the agricultural field than people other continents. Additionally, African slaves were considered to be muscular and could tolerate adverse climate and hard labor, unlike slaves from other races. African slaves were captured through various ways, for instance, the Europeans enticed them with gifts and false promises. The slaves were as well auctioned in an open market just like common commodities (Orlando 149). Some Africans who failed to meet their debts were sold to pay the debt. Additionally, the Europeans initiated wars between African communities to weaken them and attacked them once they become defenseless.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tropicana Marketing Essentials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Tropicana Marketing Essentials - Essay Example Price enables companies to be in a position to understand whether the product they are offering is in line with the prevailing economic features or opting for other measures is considerable (Dubrin, 2011:301). For Tropicana to roll in a new product, it must bear in mind that the current market structure revolves around taste, price, health standards, and other recognizable 21st century related elements. In some cases, some managers assume place is not important especially when dealing with online marketing. Nevertheless, place is very vital since it sets legal and financial issues. Moreover, in marketing, there is the core subject of every company, which is promotion. Promotion composes of the bigger portion of marketing essentials as it includes sponsorships, advertisements, public relations, viral marketing, special offers and many more. This entails that every Tropicana product needs a blend of place, price, and promotion (Doyle, 2008:93). When the product is cheap, placing is bet ter and this leads to lower price offering. Offering attractive Tropicana products at a reasonable price can reduce marketing expenses. Additionally, it can make customers queue in the distribution outlets and travel further in search of the product. This means that the product will need less promotion since the product has its own optimum blend for customers and market conditions (Allen and Albala, 2007: 372-74). Development of new Tropicana Juice (Pomegranate Juice) Products offered by Tropicana portray that the company does not only sell juices, but also sells health. The health of consumers is of utmost importance to Tropicana due to its healthy orange juice with fiber that it launched on December 14, 2005. Due to firm... This report stresses that producing and marketing requires a company to keep the best interests of the consumers at heart. As such, it is vital for Tropicana to conform to factors such as convenience. Customers require proper mode of packaging with respect to different activities. Therefore, in order for Tropicana’s new product to address this issue, it should have different packaging styles that include juices sold in larger bottles for home purposes. Tropicana should ensure the new product taste outshines that of competitors, as taste is one of the valuable reasons as to why consumers purchase certain types of beverages. This paper makes a conclusion that Tropicana should establish a base of enacting overall marketing objectives of the new type of product. Tropicana should predict and analyze customer’s taste then strive to satisfy their needs. In addition, in order to ensure the product continues to exist in the market while bringing reasonable results, the company should ensure it monitors and analyzes market trends. Consequently, Tropicana should anticipate future changes and initiate strategies to overcome its effects. To keep customers expecting more products with extra benefits, the company should increase positive perception among its customers. Furthermore, identifying positions that are distinctive, compelling, and competitive is essential for the well-being of the Tropicana’s new commodity.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

French Wine Regions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

French Wine Regions - Essay Example In fact, almost every region of France can boast of commercial wine production, and only five regions on the north coast of the country are not engaged in wine production. Among the most famous regions of wine growing in France are the following ones: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, the Rhone Valley, the Loire Valley, Alsace etc. The Bordeaux region of Aquitaine is among the most famous regions of wine production not only in France but in the entire world as well. The center of the region is the Atlantic port city of Bordeaux. This region is regarded as the heart of red wine production in the country: more than 60 appellations are grown on its territory. Basically, such grapes as Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon are used in the production of red wine. In addition to this, white wine, both dry and sweet, is also produced in the region (Marnie Old and Old Wines LLC, 2005). In Bordeaux, there are two sub-regions of red wine production; they are referred to as â€Å"Right Bank† and â€Å"Left Bank†. The right bank has soil that perfectly suits the early-ripening Merlot grape because of the high content of clay in it. The left bank’s soil rich in gravel is more suitable for Cabernet Sauvignon. One of the main rules of wine production in the region of Bordeaux is varieties blendi ng. Originally, varieties were blended to avoid bad harvests. Today, winemakers also balance flavors of different grapes in one appellation (Marnie Old and Old Wines LLC, 2005). The Burgundy region is situated in the eastern part of France. This region is famous for its both red and white wines. The major grape varieties grown on the territory of Burgundy are Chardonnay (for white Burgundy wines), Pinot Noir (for red Burgundy wines), and Gamay (for Beaujolais). Unlike Bordeaux, Burgundy wines are not the product of varieties blending.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ancient Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ancient Egypt - Essay Example Just like any other style quality, both sculptures have a meaning to the people of Egypt. The social statue figures make a difference in the lives of the Egyptians by serving as memories of their traditions. Any portrait is made for the purposes of religion, political or social use. Hence, all the carvings have a meaning to a specific group of people that they were made for (Swetnam-Burland, 2014). Public display translates to the social position and affiliations of the people in Egypt. Mankaure and his queen portrait, for example, serve as a remembrance of the Old Kingdom royal to the people of that dynasty. The Narmer pallets represent the political and social classes of the people. Both scriptures depict power in their style. Another similarity is that the two scriptures represent the start of a new thing in Egypt. While Mankaure represents the Old Kingdom, Narmer pallets present the beginning of art.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Rise of Two Operas Essay Example for Free

Rise of Two Operas Essay The Italians and the French have been two prominent figures in the world of opera music. Their music in the field of tragedy has been flourished by history and emerged from different social context and background. Opera traced its roots from Italy. Opera, in its earliest form can be traced from various types of Italian literature. The themes, moods, and subjects of opera can be associated with Italian poetry, drama, and allegory (Kimbell, 1991. p. 19-21). More importantly, opera particularly the opera seria, has originated at the height of the Renaissance period. The Renaissance art were centered on man. It revolved around man’s greatness, man as passionate, and as virtuous. The themes of opera described the life of the Italians as a whole, which is according to Luigi Barzini: The pleasure of Italy comes from living in a world made by man, for man and on man’s measurement (cited in p. 3). A theme deeply embedded in reality. Revolving around this theme, opera became for the sole purpose of entertainment. However as Renaissance became a period for the flow of rising ideologies, the face of opera changed into a moving art combined with philosophy and moral teaching. This aim served the purpose of educating its audience and not just by mere entertainment (Kimbell, 1991. p. 182). It was Apostolo Zeno and Silvio Stampiglia who created operas that were historical in nature. Stampiglia wrote a series of operas relating early Italian history and Zeno’s works have long been distinguished as a combination of moral and scholarship significance (p. 183). The Italian opera seria had not been completely tragic but became more serious. Metastasio offered ‘suspense’ or in Italian ‘sospensione’ in place of tragedy, in which the audience were presented the internal conflicts of the protagonist. Seeing this kind of progression, the French opera scene has its trend going on as well. However, as mentioned from the beginning, opera had its roots originating from Italy. There were no French composers at that time. It was an Italian national who moved to France, named Jean-Baptiste Lully who was said to have popularized opera to the French people (Edwards, 1862. . 14). Origins of French opera may have come from other form of arts such as ballet. Ballet has incorporated music with dramatic dance routines thus making as a basis into recreating a dance that has dramatic dialogues in the form of music (Grouts Williams, 2003. p. 22). Lully gained full monopoly when spreading his music due to his friendship with King Louis XIV. He collaborated with the likes of Quinault to create operas which they called tragedie en musique (Anderson, 2003. p. 3). It is important to note that though it was the time of Rennaisance in Italy, it had been a slow progress for France to grasp the music from other countries. Since Lully gained monopoly for production of operas, the monarchy controlled the flow of music from outside in accordance to Lully’s advice (p. 1). Basing it from here, the themes of the operas that were being played within King Louis XIV’s court still centered on mythical themes rather than on humanism. The plot of tragedy focused on mythical characters and fictional conflicts (Easterling, 1997. p. 136).